The Swarm: BBHHS student sections bring games to life
January 25, 2022
The biggest game of the year also happened to be Senior Night, the last home game, the last game of the season, and the rivalry game all in one. The theme was a blackout. Hundreds of students crowded into the bleachers to “Hunt the Bears”
With an end coming to the 2021 season, the student section stepped down from the bleachers one last time. In the front of the crowd were senior student section leaders of Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School, Zach Peters and Lilly Wiglusz cheering with all their energy. Wiglusz responded to an interview over email.
That game, the Bees vs. the North Royalton Bears, had the theme of blackout and camouflage in relation to “hunting the bears.” Fighting for the golden shoe, the players wore gold cleats. It was a complete blackout both on and off the field. The team stormed the field in their black uniforms to match the theme.
In preparation for the games, the leaders take on responsibility. Wiglusz said, “The most important things to bring to the game are a speaker, the [bees] flag, and baby powder.” Before every game, the student section throws baby powder into the air for the kick-off to continue an ongoing tradition.
Every game the students set out to match in a different theme. Each of the students has decided on their favorite. Wiglusz said, “My favorite themes would have to be blackout or redout because everyone wearing the same color makes the section look cool.”
Having a section full of students to control can be difficult to handle. These seniors had the task of keeping everyone’s attention on the game while cheering and having a fun time. Another senior and participant Emily Wolf said she thought the way the section was run “was okay, but the grades should have been divided up more. Also there were the same people that showed up late and got front row spots every time; it wasn’t first come first serve.”
Every game there is a boombox that is carried in the front of the crowd to help keep the energy up during the games. Peters stands in the front of the section with it on his shoulder while singing and dancing. Before every game, Peters creates a playlist on his phone to help set the tone of the crowd. “My favorite part of being in front of the crowd is the energy that the people bring. It is really exciting and it increases my energy.” He plays songs that are suggested as well.
Wiglusz on the other hand will get ready in the parking lot before the games. She said, “My friends and I meet in the senior lot to get ready and I get paint and supplies to share.” If anyone forgot pieces of their outfit or did not dress in theme the senior girls always came with extra pieces.
Many students attend the games just to be a part of the feisty atmosphere. Supporting the sports teams is a big part of being involved in the community.
The Swarm also stands loud and proud to support the boy’s basketball team. Currently undefeated, the basketball team draws a huge crowd into their games. There is a BeesESPN table that is set up in front of the crowd. BeesESPN is run by seniors Ben Day, AJ Tytko, and Joey Fazioli.
The section can be seen at home games throughout the season wearing clothing for different themes and waving the Bees flag.