Dear Reader,
If I were to give a piece of advice to any freshman, it would be to get involved. It is told to us over and over again throughout life that we need to try new things and meet new people, but I would say that it is so necessary to branch out in high school and find what you love to do. The people you meet in different clubs, sports, and groups will help you not only understand the kind of person you are but also create memories when you try something new. Whether it is out of your comfort zone or not, trying new things is so valuable.
I joined Hybreeze because I was interested in making a career out of journalism and I am so glad I took this class because it has helped me with my writing and I have learned from my peers on how to become a better writer. Even the articles that I have written about different groups in this school have opened my eyes to how many opportunities high school gives and there is something for everyone. Never have I done something new and regretted it because even if it was something I didn’t love, I am forever grateful that I tried.