It may seem like rolling a ball down the lane is easy, but it means a lot more than that to the BBHHS bowling team! Not only do the teams focus on competing well and meeting new goals, but they also focus on creating a community.

The varsity boys and girls bowling teams have made history by having an improved track record as of February 7, with varsity girls 3-8 and varsity boys 4-9.
“Prior to this year, the teams did not win a match in about 4 years,” says Coaches Katy Burant and Shawn Gawlek.
Within bowling, the players have individual scores that tally up to the team’s overall score. A way to help the bowlers with their scores is to set up individual goals for themselves.
Hailey Ellis, senior varsity bowler, has used the tactic of setting a goal for herself and states, “I finally beat my long-time standing high score of a 173 that I set sophomore year with a 185 this year.”
To help the bowlers set a goal for themselves within their high scores, the coaches offer an award to the players who have shown the most effort.

“We have two bowling pin awards that we present to the most improved bowlers of the week, as well as the highest score of the week. If awarded the pin, the bowlers are asked to add a decoration, a funny quote, or team joke to the pin. By the end of the year, the pins are a tacky award that everyone loves,” says Coach B.
Similar to some of the other sports that the high school offers, bowling fosters a sense of community and friendship among the team members.
Haydyn Kirby, a senior varsity bowler, states, “Spending time with my teammates has been the best part of being a part of the bowling team.”
Similar to Kirby, Ellis states, “I’ve made so many strong connections with my teammates throughout all my years. Every year I am excited to meet new people and make new, unexpected friends.”
Congratulations to the girls’ and boys’ varsity bowling teams for having very successful seasons!