The ideal school lunch for students is something that has a good smell to it, or something that has seasoning on it, but that is not always the case.
Today’s school lunch on September 13th at BBHHS is a chicken mashed potato bowl with gravy along with a side of carrots. Many people think it is pretty good, but the chicken has a weird texture.
Some students aren’t really fans of school lunches. But why are lunches the way they are?
There are limits to what the lunch ladies can do with their lunches. For example, Mrs. Leah Johnson, head cook of the BBHHS cafeteria, states there can not be any salt or sugar. However, they have a lot of flexibility when writing the menus as long as it is approved by their boss.
Over the years the school lunches have gotten a lot better than what they were before and a lot of improvements have been made. They’re even starting to look a lot tastier than they did before in past years.
Now, the school offers alternatives to the main lunch. If you don’t like the main meals, they serve mozzarella sticks, pizza crunchers, and tons of other stuff as an alternative to lunch at the hive. The hive is separate from the school cafeteria where students can get snacks such as chips and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. If those also don’t seem appealing, there are always snacks available at the hive that are also there.
But in the end, everyone has their own opinions on the lunches and you don’t have to buy them if you don’t want to, they might not be the most appetizing lunches or they might not always smell great, but if you have the money for it, the ladies working in the cafeteria would definitely recommend trying it out.