Have you ever wanted to be a part of a research study that can have positive impacts? BBH students are presented with great opportunities to participate in meaningful research simply by donating a little bit of their time! AP Research students at BBHHS need volunteers to be involved in their studies. Not only are there personal benefits, but it also involves students in projects that will help their peers.
AP Research is an elective class at the high school that students can take after they have successfully completed the AP Seminar class. AP Research is similar to an independent study class and consists entirely of a one-year-long research project on a topic of the student’s choice.
Mr. Lesh, the AP Research teacher at BBHHS, states, “AP Research is a course that students take where they identify something that is missing in an area of a study. They attempt to figure out how to fill that missing piece in that area of study.”

AP research students are able to pick any topic that interests them. This allows there to be a lot of variation in the studies that students at the high school can join.
For example, Kara Sabo, a junior at the high school, is conducting a study about how students’ emotions change when they listen to different types of music. Sabo states, “I will have participants listen and rate choruses from top hits over the years.”
Amanda Wolf, a junior, has a very different plan for her study. “I will be looking at thoughts towards aging and older adults in general using a rating scale of 1 to 5 that rank statements involving aging.”
Frank Yin, a junior, is interested in looking into how students are affected by their screen time use. “My research is on teenage social media usage on social media, and my study attempts to prompt research participants to limit their smartphone usage.”
These are just a few of the many studies that students at the high school are performing. By having variation in the studies, students can be involved in studies that interest them.
Lesh states, “It’s always good to be a part of data collection and be a part of new knowledge. You, as a participant in research, are able to help create data that will help narrow a research field. You also get service hours for your participation for whatever organization you need the service hours for.”
Each study has its own benefits. Whether students are doing the study to be more involved in the school or to get service hours, they are helping AP Research students reach their goals.
Wolf states, “It would help give us data to analyze as a whole. Personally, I need to compare data between different groups, so I need high schoolers to participate in my study to get data to analyze trends and correlations in the data.”
Abby Martello, a junior, is conducting a study using teenage females, ages 14-18. Her study analyzes personality types and the common occurrences that take place in a dream.
This study has specific benefits for the research’s goals. Martello states, “The benefits of my study are being able to help contribute to the new findings on the topic of dreams. In addition, all participants will receive 3 service hours for participating and there will be snacks at the initial meeting.”
Yin’s study is a little more complex compared to others, which is why he offers a greater benefit for participation in his study.
Yin states, “My research study offers 2 opportunities to win $25, 4 service hours, and potential improvement of smartphone usage, while only requiring the attendance of two 30-minute meeting sessions.”

Students interested in joining a research study, should visit https://sites.google.com/bbhcsd.org/2024-ap-research/home
This website gives information about all the different studies that are available for student participation. The website includes a brief description of the studies and the steps that are needed to be followed if students are interested in being involved.
Wolf gives step-by-step instructions for how people can join AP research studies. “People can go onto the AP Research 2024 website to see the overview and steps. First, you sign up by either joining a Sign Up Genius or Remind. Then, if necessary, fill out the informed consent form online or print a copy for your chosen study. Lastly, join us at the survey session at the correct date, time, and place.”
Each study has its own specific directions, so be sure to check out the website and be a part of change.
Help support student-led research by being involved today!