The HyBreeze

The Student News Site of Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School

The HyBreeze

The HyBreeze

Bees Varsity Softball and Baseball have Swung through their Season!


Bees Varsity Baseball has had a good season with their winning record currently being 10-7. The boys started off their season over spring break, winning their first four games, and they will continue their season through May, soon entering the playoffs. Some good recent games were their wins against Rhodes 11-1,  Hudson 5-4, and Wadsworth 6-5. Their next game is on Saturday, May 11 at 12 PM against the Green Bulldogs at the Uniontown school field.

Brecksville Varsity Softball has also had a great season, their recording currently 17-4. The girls started off their season in Myrtle Beach during spring break and went on to have winning streaks as long as 11 games. Varsity Softball will go on with their season and have been in the playoffs as of May 8. Some recent good games for the girls were their wins against Amherst Steele 10-0, Nordonia 9-4, and Stow-Munroe Falls 10-0. Their next game is on Monday, May 13 at 2 PM  against Avon Lake at Avon’s school field.

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Alexis Soeder
Alexis Soeder, Staff Editor
Alexis Soeder is a sophomore in her second year writing for the Hybreeze, and is editor of the Creative Corner. In addition to the Hybreeze, Alexis is involved in softball, NAHS, SAFE Club, Crochet Club, and Book Club.

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