“Ruffdown!” yells the ref and the dogs go wild! The XX annual Puppy Bowl is a nationwide event that is held on the afternoon of Super Bowl Sunday to help animal shelters adopt out dogs. Teams Ruff and Fluff, are gathered on a field, then a bunch of chew toys are thrown into the center and the puppies have to carry each toy to the endzone to get a touchdown (1pt).
This year’s Puppy Bowl has a record breaking 131 puppies, more puppies than there has ever been before, from 73 shelters around the country. and yes people are able to adopt these wonderful dogs.
There are a bunch of fan favorites, such as Bark Purdy the Chihuahua mix, Cronut the Shar pei, Levi the Great Dane, and Patrick Mabones. Along with Sweetpea, a special needs dog who unfortunately passed away.

The Puppy Bowl was founded to bring awareness to sheltered dogs around the country and to encourage people to adopt from shelters and rescuing abandoned animals rather than buying from breeders. According to Google, every dog that has ever participated in the Puppy Bowl has been adopted.
But puppies are not the only animals that are a part of the Puppy Bowl, kittens also have a role in the kitty halftime show, with Purr-shur and DJ Whiskers.
Team Ruff managed to overpower team Fluff with a score of 72-69, with the MVP(Most Valued Pup) of Ruff being Moosh, an Australian shepherd mix and starter for Team Ruff.
The Puppy Bowl has helped so many animals from shelters across the country get rescued and adopted into loving homes and it will continue to do so for many years to come.
The Puppy Bowl has been a beloved event for 20 years by so many people around the country and it continues to entertain us year after year with every single amazing dog that partakes in the event.
So, who are you rooting for? Ruff or Fluff?