“I just got to make it to Friday. 5 days, then it’s the weekend.” What if this wasn’t the case and school weeks were only 4 days long? The catch. School days would be longer, breaks would be shorter, and possibly no summer break.
A 4-day week includes more time for students to do things they love outside of school. Kids can take on some of their own hobbies that they enjoy but don’t have time to do. For example, people can read a book outside, bake in their kitchen, or paint a masterpiece.
A 4-day school week would allow kids to have an extra day where they can sleep in and catch up on their rest before another week of school. Alice Cho, a sophomore at BBHHS also adds, “I know for me it would give me more time to review the materials we learned in class and help me prepare for future ones.”
School can be so much less stressful for those who utilize the extra day. Maddie Tayfel, sophomore, adds, “[Those that} work on the weekends, and having an extra day off would allow them to keep up with their schoolwork while maintaining a job.” The extra day means endless possibilities. It would not only benefit students but also teachers and staff, as they would be attracted to the idea of working less or having that extra day of the week to grade papers or prepare for their activities within the classroom.

Although it would seem that most students would love the idea of having less school, many disagreed. With a 4 day school week, comes the consequence of having a longer school day, and to some, a bit more time in school is fine with the reward of a day off, but to others, their after-school time is valuable. Students have clubs, sports, jobs, and activities that are part of their priorities with their schedule. Getting out later would lessen their time for these activities on a day-to-day basis.
Kendall Brown, a junior at BBHHS makes the point, “It would be hard to have an extended school day while still giving students the time to participate in sports before it gets dark in the winter.”
Having a shorter summer break is just not worth it to many students who enjoy time out in the sun. Katie Young, a freshman at BBHHS says, “I would rather keep the longer summer break because I would rather spend my free time outside in warm weather, rather than during the cold winter months stuck inside my house.”
Summer is when most students enjoy spending their free time outside and out of the house and school.
Most students have a hard time maintaining their full attention in a 45-minute class. Therefore, having longer classes due to a shorter week would be a challenge to not only students but teachers who have to fit their weekly lessons, along with tests and quizzes in only 4 days.

Kevin Jakub, principal at BBHHS says, “One of the great things about school is the routine and consistency.” It allows kids exposure to a routine lifestyle and exposure to school. This is necessary, especially after the shutdown of schools in the past due to the pandemic.
Nicky Toth, a freshman at BBHHS explains, “I can understand that some people may think that we should have a 4-day week because that would mean less school but all it would end up doing is leaving students with less time to grapple the knowledge they have to know. School is stressful as is, giving students a time crunch wouldn’t help much.”
To some, an extra day off is not necessary, especially for those who come from low-income houses that rely on meals from school and enjoy spending time away from home. To some, school is safety. Jakub explains, “[Some] kids not having to come to school are losing access to nutrition and healthcare.” “They need school not only for education but also physical needs.”
A 4-day school week has many pros and cons and depends on how you look at it. An extra day off, but a shorter summer break. A day to catch up on school work, but the school days are longer. A day to spend time with family and friends, but less time for sports, extracurriculars, and jobs after school.