Danishes are delicacies, but this isn’t one you can eat.
Mikkeline Obel Thomsen, junior, is a Danish exchange student that is visiting BBHHS until next summer through Youth for Understanding Denmark.
Youth for Understanding’s website discusses the many ways kids can benefit from the program. Studying abroad can allow kids to discover and develop their own personal strengths. In addition, they will also develop their understanding and increase their proficiency in a different language. It even looks good on college applications and job resumes.

Karen Schelde, one of Obel Thomsen’s current host parents, says that hosting kids through exchange programs has given her hope toward allowing “young people see the world and experience other cultures from a safe place.”
“I have traveled myself when I was younger, and seeing and experiencing other cultures is important for understanding other people and our differences and similarities,” says Schelde.
Understanding similarities and differences between cultures can help kids see a whole new perspective that otherwise may have only known one way of living.
“We listen to the same music and watch the same tv-series and movies,” says Obel Thomsen.

While these similarities may connect regular activities for Obel Thomsen, the differences are endless when it comes to school life.
According to Obel Thomsen, the Danish school system starts in what would be our first grade and it goes until what would be our ninth grade. After this, kids have the opportunity to spend a year at a boarding school, go on an exchange program, or go directly to a higher education.
Not only are the academics different between America and Denmark, but so are extracurriculars. “We don’t have the same kind of school spirit in Denmark,” says Obel Thomsen who had experienced high school football for the first time at BBHHS.
Obel Thomsen adds, “The way we eat is the same, we both eat with cutlery.”

On the contrary, Obel Thomsen’s favorite food since coming to America has been ranch dressing, which may be something Americans have been taking for granted.
Foods are a great way to connect cultures and allow for people to be welcomed into new places, so try to enjoy each delicacy with gratitude.